Monday, November 13, 2023

How to correct file sizes in rehashed loose files torrent

This article is written for Cyberpunk 2077 update using loose file torrent rehash method but may be applied to any torrent.

If you rehash game files using updated torrent, download missing chunks and successfully recheck files in torrent client you may still get the error Cyberpunk 2077 encountered an error caused by corrupted or missing archives

This happens if some files were updated and their size became smaller in newer version of the game but torrent client did not truncate the file to reflect new smaller size. Even if the game data file contains all needed data and torrent rechecks OK Cyberpunk exe will check the size and will exit with the above error! 

You must use torrentcheck utility to find such files and manually delete and redownload them OR correct their sizes (semi)automatically using batch file TRUNCATE_REHASHED_TORRENT.BAT below.